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Download Instructions for Google Chrome Users (Mac)

To access your downloaded product, you must be logged into your account. Once you are logged in, go to My Products.

You will then see your purchased product with the download option located on the righthand side. Click "Download" and your file will begin downloading.

Your download will show up on the bottom lefthand corner of your screen:

Once your file has finished downloading, you can locate it in your "Downloads" on your Desktop

Files are often "zipped" or "compressed" to allow for faster download and to download multiple items at the same time. To unzip a file on your Mac, locate the zipped file in your "Downloads."

Click on the zipped folder, and another popup will appear (and will disappear quickly). Return to your "Downloads," and a new UN-zipped folder will apear:

Click on the blue folder, and another window will open with your files. To begin playing your files, simply double-click. Note that your file will play in your default player (iTunes, QuickTime, etc.). To open with a different player, right click, "Open With," and choose your preferred method.

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